
Showing posts from December, 2020

Final Journal Reflection

      Throughout the course of this class, I learned a great deal of information not only about the practice of yoga, but about myself as well. To be quite honest, when I decided to take this class, I was not entirely sure what to expect or what I would get out of it. I thought that we would just be completing different yoga practices whenever we met for class and reflecting on it.  In addition, I considered taking this class for the physical aspects of it, but I am so happy to have gained a lot more than just this. I most definitely was misinformed about the whole topic of yoga. In addition, I have come to that realization that the Western practices have skewed the practice of yoga.     Over the course of our class lectures, including the documentaries,   I have learned that yoga in the East is vastly different than the West. Their intentions and purpose of their practices has its differences. Yoga in the West is viewed more commonly as this physical practice. In fact, many yoga instr

Weekly Journal 11

   Here in the West, I think that yoga is partially taught as a spiritual practice. I think that here in the West, yoga is more branded as a physical practice, however, there are also definitely a population of people who also practice the spiritual aspect of yoga. There are definitely a lot of yogis/ teachers in the West who adapts the Eastern practices, but just choose what they want to practice and advertise to their followers. Yogis in the East have this such deep and immense connection with themselves, and this spiritual practice is a part of their lifestyle. They devote themselves to finding this inward and powerful connection, which can take years or a lifetime. In fact, they even have a mentor, and "shadow" them to really understand the meaning behind it.       I feel that the Western practice of yoga takes the marketable aspects of it, such as giving all these benefits you will get out of it. Whenever I do follow videos on youtube, I tend to hear the same or similar