Weekly Journal (4)

Camille Velez

    Based on the article by Nevrin, I believe that yoga can be viewed as a "ritual" because of how the practice of yoga can become part of someone's daily routine to check in and become in tune with themselves. Yoga requires focus on several different aspects, such as breathing, different kinds of movements and postures, etc. For some yoga practices, it is even encouraged to leave the stress outside of your sacred/ritual space, or vice versa. The importance of focusing on the practice of yoga is vital to being more aware with yourself. As stated in the article, movement and attention to movement can produce a heightened sense of awareness and less stressed sense of identify and less rigid sense of self. 

   The article also talks about flow, and how it is the mental state of operation where a person is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoying the process of the activity. In addition, one statement that Nervin mentioned that I genuinely did not think about before, was how important it is to focus on the way our bodies are feeling and responding to the postures we complete. I feel that the statement has so much importance because being in tune with your physical and mental state helps you truly become focused. 

    During this weeks practices, I really tried to get the whole experience of yoga being a ritual by taking note of Nervin's main points. Throughout the week I have been watching yoga with Adriene's videos, which I really have been enjoying. During this past week, I have been trying to complete a minimum of about 30 minutes of yoga every other day. This is my first time doing yoga more frequently, and my body overall already feels a lot less tense. One video I have been watching often is Adriene's series for our minds. I watched a different yoga video by Adriene, then either ended or started the session with her series for our minds. This class helps with improving focus, breathing techniques, help with balancing my mood, increasing confidence, decrease stress, etc. It's amazing how there are so many different kinds of benefits yoga can have.  

    The impact and intensity that yoga can have increases greatly when you are truly immersed in the practice. Turning inward during the practice of yoga really helps you be connected to yourself. I feel that truly being in tune with yourself removes a lot of stress and weight you may have on your shoulders. Although having weight on your shoulders is a metaphor, sometimes I feel that some can literally physically feel this weight. When I have a lot of school work and exams during the week, I stress too much about it, resulting in feeling extremely tired. I feel that this stress really weighs and slows me down. However, I understand how yoga can be viewed as a ritual. It serves as a mental and physical break for some, and even a whole internal and external cleanse. It can serve as an escape and to remind ones self to focus internally, and be aware of the postures your body is going through during the practice. Yoga can help keep some sane and can be used as a stress reliever. 



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