Weekly Journal 6

    Yoga is seen as a healing practice in my practice space. I make sure that my environment makes me feel as calm as possible, so that I am relaxed throughout my whole practice. As mentioned in a previous journal entry, there are various factors to create this calm and serene place. Some of these factors include, a clean/organized environment, fresh air, a candle or incense burning, etc. Relaxation is extremely important, as it is a great way to relieve any stress and tensions from the body, so it makes sense that people treat and view yoga as medicine. The importance of breathing during yoga is just as important, so the benefits of yoga can truly have healing properties on an individual. There are various benefits of yoga, so I personally view it as a healing practice. 

    With almost all of the yoga practices I have participated in through zoom or have watched online via youtube, the teacher/ instructor would express the importance of each move and explain the importance of it. In addition, they often emphasize the importance of our breathing during each posture as well. Although all the practices I have ever participated in was only online, the communication between the instructor and myself was pretty good. While they are completing the pose and transitioning to the next, they would say motivational and encouraging statements to help us continue. Also, in some cases, the instructor will say things like, "let go of the day thus far, politely put the to do lists away, the future on hold, and arrive here now in the present..." There is definitely constant reassuring communication which definitely reaches on my end. 

      After doing yoga, my body most definitely feel less tense and my energy levels increase for the day. I feel that when I do yoga in the morning, I feel more motivated to complete my school work and not procrastinate on it. I have been getting into the habit of working out or stretching in the morning, then watch a yoga video online with my roommates. Depending on the kind of yoga and what it focuses on, my body definitely feels better. For instance, I have completed yoga for tension and stress but also have done yoga that focuses on stretching, which definitely eases my nerves and the weight I may feel on my shoulders. 

One of the yoga videos I watched this week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMOgnSMcfM0


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