Weekly Journal 7

 Due:    Weekly Practice Journals: Theme: Yoga as a Lifestyle & Culture -Yoga has made a transition from "traditional culture" to "counter culture" to "pop culture" here in the West. What have you observed about yoga that firmly establishes it as "pop culture"? What has been the effect on yoga in the West? (minimum 3 paragraphs)

    I think that there are a number of factors to how yoga has made a transition from "traditional culture" to "counter culture" then to "pop culture" here in the West. Most especially here in America, there are so many beauty standards in society, and a certain image or look that people "should" achieve or have. Further, there are so many products out on the market that supposedly will help you lose weight and give you the body you desire. In todays health culture, there are more and more ways of exercising, such as soul cycle, zumba, etc. Because of all these new health crazes, I think that in some cases, yoga is also a part of this pop culture. Yoga is known to have so many benefits for those who practice it, both internally and externally. However, here in the United States, I think that yoga is misrepresented since some individuals practice yoga solely for the physical benefits of it. The purpose of yoga in the United States has been altered to fit the beauty standards, which is how it has been established as "pop culture" recently. 

    I feel that the purpose of yoga has significantly changed and has been lost in translation throughout the years. For example, in the film Enlighten Up, the way yoga is taught here in America is vastly different from how it is practiced in India. Here in America, you go to a weekly yoga class with 15-20 other individuals, which is taught by one instructor. Based on the film, it seems as if it is more commonly taught by a caucasian male or female. In the film, when those instructors were asked how long yoga has a thing, they could not even give a definite answer, which likely shows their lack of in depth knowledge about yoga. In addition, the lack of diversity in these practices can also contribute to yoga being a part of "pop culture." On the other hand, in India, yoga was taught more by a one on one relationship. A yogi would have a mentor, where they shadowed the mentor and learn and understand the meaning of the practice over the course of days, weeks, or even years. This process can even take a lifetime. In addition, yoga clothing has become so popular recently, which definitely contributed to it being a part of "pop culture." Many "influencers" on social media are sponsored by yoga brands to encourage others to buy it, simply because it's cute. 

    Over the course of this past week or so, I have been following yoga with Adrienne's videos. Everyday, my roommate and I complete a different practice which had different benefits. We completed yoga practices that helped with tension relief, deep stretch, flexibility, healthy energy flow, etc. Because I have been doing practices daily, I have genuinely felt a significant amount of energy internally. I complete the practice in the morning, so I feel that I am not sluggish and tired throughout the rest of my day. The video I favored the most is the yoga for tension relief. I have some neck and upper back problems, so completing this video several times this week has definitely eased a lot of the tension I felt. 



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