Weekly Journal 9

    Yoga is most definitely viewed as a form of meditation in my practice space. It is a way to put my to do lists and stressors aside for just a few minutes and feel a sense of serenity. It helps me focus on the present and increase my self awareness. Since the semester began, I got into the habit of meditating after daily workouts and/or yoga practices. I enjoy doing this because since my heart rate is up during the exercises, it helps me relax and bring my heart rate back to normal. Further, on top of my daily exercises, meditating is a great way to start my day, as it helps me look at my stressful situations in a new light and not so much in a negative way. Sometimes, as soon as I wake up, I am already stressing about all the tasks I have to complete for the day so meditating has genuinely helped me look at my tasks in a positive way, which lessens my stress. I think it is so important to take just a few minutes to yourself and have a sense of self awareness which can improve our mental health too. 

    This weeks yoga class was taught by Marcello Spinella who is also a professor at Stockton. Prior to starting, he gave a mini lecture/lesson about the brain and meditation, which I really enjoyed. He then guided us through a 30 minute meditation, and helped us focus on not only our bodies, but the space our bodies are in too. I liked this meditation and one thing that stuck out to me that he mentioned was that once you start meditating and get immersed into it, it is so hard to step back into reality. I feel that I have gotten into that state where you are so deep into the mediative practice and are so content, it really is hard to "snap out of it."

    Although I enjoy meditating now, it definitely was hard to get into it. Sometimes, I just could not stay focused no matter how much I tried to clear my mind. Just like in the film we watched with the prisoners, the first few times were difficult but as you continue meditating, it became easier and easier. In fact, eventually some prisoners had an enlightening experience. Personally, I feel like I meditate for specific reasons, such as stress, but I have not attained a deeper level consciousness. I hope to achieve this experience during my meditative practices one day. 



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