
Showing posts from October, 2020

Weekly Journal 5

  I think that with the given circumstances of the current pandemic, promoting a sense of community is slightly more difficult now. Although there are yoga classes in person, having the option of being virtual might lessen the amount of people going in person to these classes. In fact, there are probably a lot of yoga studios that are temporarily closed. Now, people practice yoga by watching virtual classes with yoga instructors or practice it by themselves in the comfort of their home. Further, I feel that having a sense of community with in person yoga classes is a lot more personal. You can make connections and create bonds with the people you see weekly. I have heard from my friends where they have gone to yoga classes in the past where everyone introduces themselves. I feel that getting to know the people around you creates a more personable environment and makes the class a little more enjoyable.  However, given the circumstances we are in, I feel that we have to make the most ou

Weekly Journal (4)

Camille Velez      Based on the article by Nevrin, I believe that yoga can be viewed as a "ritual" because of how the practice of yoga can become part of someone's daily routine to check in and become in tune with themselves. Yoga requires focus on several different aspects, such as breathing, different kinds of movements and postures, etc. For some yoga practices, it is even encouraged to leave the stress outside of your sacred/ritual space, or vice versa. The importance of focusing on the practice of yoga is vital to being more aware with yourself. As stated in the article, movement and attention to movement can produce a heightened sense of awareness and less stressed sense of identify and less rigid sense of self.     The article also talks about flow, and how it is the mental state of operation where a person is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoying the process of the activity. In addition, one statement that Nervin mentioned

Weekly Journal (3)

Camille Velez In class, we completed a Bikram yoga class taught by Diane Polli via zoom. Common with Bikram yoga, Diane did not complete and perform the postures with us. Instead, she talked us through the movements we should do. We went through each of the stretches and movements twice. Over the course of the class, Diane mentioned the physiological aspects to each movement/posture and explained how it affects our bodies. Although the focus was not on breathing, she pointed out that we should breathe through each posture. Further, the session lasted for about an hour and thirty minutes.  This is the first time I have done Bikram yoga. Initially, I had some difficulty properly following the postures since I am more of a visual learner. All of the online yoga classes I have watched usually perform and complete the postures along with me. However, as I went through the class, I eventually was able to follow more efficiently. I was able to actually focus on the postures rather than being