Weekly Journal (3)

Camille Velez

In class, we completed a Bikram yoga class taught by Diane Polli via zoom. Common with Bikram yoga, Diane did not complete and perform the postures with us. Instead, she talked us through the movements we should do. We went through each of the stretches and movements twice. Over the course of the class, Diane mentioned the physiological aspects to each movement/posture and explained how it affects our bodies. Although the focus was not on breathing, she pointed out that we should breathe through each posture. Further, the session lasted for about an hour and thirty minutes. 

This is the first time I have done Bikram yoga. Initially, I had some difficulty properly following the postures since I am more of a visual learner. All of the online yoga classes I have watched usually perform and complete the postures along with me. However, as I went through the class, I eventually was able to follow more efficiently. I was able to actually focus on the postures rather than being unsure of what posture to complete next. At the end of the class, my body did not feel as tense. This class felt more like a physical practice for me, which I liked. 

I feel like yoga can be framed as more than an exercise, however, it depends on ones own beliefs and needs. Based on the film we recently watched, Enlighten Up, I feel that yoga culture in the United States is more commonly viewed as a physical exercise. On the other hand, in the film Naked In Ashes, yoga culture in India is viewed more spiritually and as a way to connect with their higher self.

Although yoga can be a physical activity, it is definitely more than just an exercise. It helps work on not only your body, but your mind and spirituality. Yoga has a lot of benefits and can be specified to your needs. For instance, they have practices to work on anxiety, tense muscles, healing stress, chronic pains, and so much more. Yoga is a way to connect with yourself, create positive affirmations towards ourselves, which can benefit us in so many ways. While there are yoga classes primarily focused on the physical aspect, there are also yoga classes that help us connect and empower ourselves.



  1. next time this happens, pin me to the screen. I am always doing the practice with you.


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