Weekly Journal 10

     The body has a number of roles. It can be used to manipulate an individuals energies and emotions, in order to get the experience/feeling one wants out of it. An individual has the power to strengthen their awareness and concentration, as well as their perception on whatever they desire. Further, the body gives us the ability to have experiences that our mind is not capable providing for us. Our bodies allows us to have this physical experience for our souls. 

    Yoga and meditation are just a few examples that enhances our body. Both yoga and meditation allows us to have a stronger and more powerful connection with ourselves, as well us giving us the ability to connect with a higher power. In spiritual practices, the body is viewed as this vessel that provides a place for our souls to manifest to an individual. The practice of yoga shows us these powerful movements, which provides this vessel the ultimate divine experience. Whereas meditation is used to connect our minds to our souls. When an individual's mind is connected to their body and soul, they can feel a sense of complete serenity and divinity as well as feeling this sensation of embodiment. This experience can only be achieved by an individual's deepened awareness and connection with themselves. 

    I have always been intrigued by the practice of meditation. For the past few weeks, I have been following guided meditations until I was capable of doing it on my own. I enjoyed this because for just a few minutes a day, I was able to feel a complete sense of serenity. After including meditation as part of my routine, I genuinely felt the benefits of it. It allows me to gain a positive perspective on the things I use to dwell on, such as work or tasks I need to complete. It really helped me focus on the present, which I tend to not do. Sometimes, I am so focused on future or upcoming assignments where I forget about the present. Completing these meditations really allowed me to increase my self awareness and really focus on what I have now.


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